Once again I've failed miserably at keeping this thing up to date. Looks like I have a few months to catch up on! So much has happened since February... Tyler turned 2 & we had his birthday at Airzone. It was wild & crazy, but so much fun. The kids had a blast!!! (As you can tell, we only invited a FEW. HA!)
We were lucky enough to have Mema & Tyler's cousin Jaiden visit from Orlando. They boys were a riot... we'll definitely need to keep our eyes on these two! Jaiden experienced his 1st snowfall, I guess they don't see much of the white stuff in sunny Florida :).JPG)
Chris & I also decided since we won't be selling our house anytime soon, then it's time to start remodeling. The bathroom was 1st on the list - it took a bit longer than anticipated, but it turned out AWESOME. I think some outdoor projects are up next.
More fantastic news... my little niece Kaya Marie was born on St. Patrick's Day!! She's healthy & beautiful, and mom & dad are doing great with the new addition :) Hudson is quite the rockstar in the big brother department..JPG)
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