January 25, 2008


First things first, this is my first post. Angie has been so diligent in keeping the blog updated, it was surely time for me to help out.

About a week ago, I brought Tyler home his first wiffle ball bat and tee. The next few nights we would go downstairs for a little bit of practice. I'd line him up and help him take a cut. He'd laugh and smile big every time we hit the ball, ever so proud. After a few cuts each night I'd leave him be to see if he would get to work on his own. Unfortunately, he found more fun in picking the ball up off the tee and throwing it at the dog. After four nights of practice, he finally started taking his own hacks. It was a Tuesday night and mom was out playing volleyball, so we had to try it again the next night so mom could see. Angie snatched up some video. Sportscenter highlights if you ask me. Tiger Woods started golfing at 5 and we all know how good he turned out. Tyler has a 4.2 year head start on him... I think he'll turn out just fine.

If you pay close attention to the video you can see another first. It's Tyler's first haircut. The sides and back of his hair were so out of control that it appeared Angie and I were pro-baby mullet. I had to bust out the clippers and give him his first light fade. He sat well and was very cooperative. For that, he was able to keep both of his ears.

Tyler was also able to play in the snow for the first time a few days ago. After jamming his hand deep into the snow and learning how cold it was he decided that he wasn't a fan at all. Once I spray some pam on the bottom of his saucer for the first, he'll be wishing it snowed every day.

January 13, 2008

Tyler's Walking - 10 months

It's official... Tyler has figured out how to coordinate those little legs, to get him from one place to another. It's amazing what the extra few inches between sitting & standing can get you into :)

Christmas in KC

Last weekend we finally celebrated Christmas with the Dercher side (and Dad & Chris' birthdays) - Kathryn was in from NY and Philip, Meg & Hudson drove in from Columbia. We had a great time with the family... lots of food & presents :)

January 10, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Chris’ birthday was this week (I’ll have to let him share which one it was!). We celebrated it just right – back in December I surprised him with tickets to see his man Billy Joel at the newly finished Sprint Center in downtown KC. It was an amazing concert, especially from the floor a few rows back from the stage! The Long Island boy put on quite a show, and I’m pretty sure Chris had a great time singing EVERY song played and drinking EVERY beer he could find! I love birthdays… except maybe not my own this year, as the big 3-0 is looming just around the corner. Dum-da-dum-dum-DUM!!!

January 3, 2008

Great News for the Belcher's

So this isn't exactly NEW news, but us Coffin's are so excited for our good friends TJ & Laura Belcher. They found out not too long ago they're expecting their 1st child. Tyler is pumped to have another little buddy (even if it's a girl, he can teach her how to throw a football!!!!). Love you guys :)TJ & Laura giving newborn Tyler some love

January 2, 2008

Kathryn's coming to town!

Well, I've been counting down the seconds until my east-coast-fabulous-sister Kathryn arrives in KC tomorrow. It's been way too long since we've seen her, and not having her around for the holiday was especially rough. Fortunately we get to celebrate Christmas with her & the rest of the Dercher clan this weekend.
I think everyone will be surprised to see Tyler walking around, inspecting every nook & cranny with his curious little pointer finger. He loves to find & point out all my inconspicuous dust bunnies! Daddy has also taught his mini-Quarterback to "throw" a ball. Of course Tyler now sees EVERYTHING as a ball, and in turn throws whatever he's holding. Aside from walking & hurling things, Tyler's also been practicing (albeit way too much) his new "pout face". Unfortunately for him, this prompts more laughter from Chris & I than anything else. I'm not exactly sure where he learned this new look, however our recent trip to Florida & spending tons of time with his Titi Laila just might have something to do with it ;)