January 2, 2008

Kathryn's coming to town!

Well, I've been counting down the seconds until my east-coast-fabulous-sister Kathryn arrives in KC tomorrow. It's been way too long since we've seen her, and not having her around for the holiday was especially rough. Fortunately we get to celebrate Christmas with her & the rest of the Dercher clan this weekend.
I think everyone will be surprised to see Tyler walking around, inspecting every nook & cranny with his curious little pointer finger. He loves to find & point out all my inconspicuous dust bunnies! Daddy has also taught his mini-Quarterback to "throw" a ball. Of course Tyler now sees EVERYTHING as a ball, and in turn throws whatever he's holding. Aside from walking & hurling things, Tyler's also been practicing (albeit way too much) his new "pout face". Unfortunately for him, this prompts more laughter from Chris & I than anything else. I'm not exactly sure where he learned this new look, however our recent trip to Florida & spending tons of time with his Titi Laila just might have something to do with it ;)


Anonymous said...

dear blogging guru:

I'm sooooooooooooooooo EXCITED!

heart - your favorite sister EVER